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ESG Forum

Thomas Abdallah

Thomas Abdallah

Transportation Authority (MTA) Construction and Development New York
Chief Executive Officer

Thomas Abdallah, P.E. LEED AP, ENV SP, is the Vice President and Chief
Environmental Engineer for the MTA Construction and Development Agency. He is a Professional Engineer, and has been with MTA since 1987. Thomas has extensive
experience including sustainable design, energy efficiency, noise and vibration, pollution prevention, NEPA, waste management, and is directly responsible for MTA's certified ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. He is also responsible for
several LEED® projects including the Corona Maintenance Shop, the Gold Certified Mother Clara Hale Bus Depot and the Envision verified Time Square Shuttle. Thomas
Abdallah is also a Professor at Columbia University's Sustainability Management graduate program and the Charles B. Rangel workforce initiative at City College of
New York, has presented all over the country on sustainability issues, and is the author of the book Sustainable Mass Transit.

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